The Bullying Stops Here—Standing Strong

“Be stronger than the voice that says you can’t! We must get up, rise above, and soar beyond what makes us feel less than!”  © 2014 Doris Hayes Gibson 

your-words-have-power-so-use-them-wisely_largeBullying: A word I wish never existed…an action that can quickly and easily destroy a soul. Too many have experienced its sting. And yet, in 2014, it still exists in our world. It crushes the spirit and leaves the wounded with a lifetime of distress and heartache that isn’t easily mended. I know. I was bullied. And my voice, at last, will be heard!

It’s so disturbing to see a child come home from school, afraid to face another day of torture. Stares, name-calling, laughter, and pointing fingers digs deep into the soul, like a bulldozer, and plows away the very essence of the person that child should be and could become.

In comparison, the workplace sometimes breeds an environment of hostility, jealousy, and discrepancy because someone is different. It may be their features, their clothes, their faith, or any other noticeable or concealed characteristic. The person who is displeased with someone who is different makes the workplace such a difficult place to be…piling on an extra workload, complaining that they aren’t doing the job well enough, even asking why they wear certain clothes.

Yes! I know! It sounds crazy and disgusting at what some people will say and do to hurt others because they don’t feel secure enough in their own skin. But it happens, and there seems to be no answer for the bullied but to leave. I had to make a decision not very long ago to leave a very uncomfortable and destructive job situation. My health, physical and mental, was suffering at the hands and minds of those who wished to destroy me. 

Marriages fall apart many times because one spouse bullies the other. Words of hate, demeaning words, putting them down in front of others, yelling at them…the list is endless, as is the pain left inside. I survived decades of bullying from significant others. At the time, I didn’t realize I was worth so much better.

I wish I had been aware back then that my Father created me as His princess! I am a daughter of the King, and I am royalty! I deserve the very best. He weeps to see His children battered and rejected. He wishes for us to speak up for those who cannot. He wants us to love everyone as we love ourselves. Respect others. Love with the love of Jesus. And expect the same for yourself from this world. You are a child of God. Believe that you deserve His finest!


The following poem is one I wrote in 2007. I had been terribly hurt by someone who said they were a friend. I hope it speaks to your heart.


Think Before You Speak

Someone said words that made me cry;
Their anger caused me pain.
They did not care how I might feel;
They cursed me just the same.

 I find it hard to understand
The reason for such hate.
How could someone cause so much hurt
And not see their mistake?

 Those words that cause another’s pain
And spoken without care,
Once uttered, can’t be taken back.
The harm caused isn’t fair.

 Sometimes, God sends someone along
From heaven, just to see
If we will treat them just the same
As we would want to be.

 So, always think before you speak;
You may not realize
The one you’re hurting just might be
An angel in disguise.

 © 2007 Doris Hayes Gibson

“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. For he who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” -1 Peter 3, 8-12

About Heart Written: Doris Hayes Gibson

My name is Doris Hayes Gibson. My life revolves around Jesus Christ, my Creator, my Redeemer, the Lord of my worship, and the Hope for my tomorrow. My passion is to illustrate God's beauty and love through poetry and song lyrics. I have created hundreds of framed poetry images. Some were gifts of encouragement; some to honor a memory of a loved one, and some were created to help someone celebrate a special occasion. After living out of state for several years, I am, once again, residing in the beautiful Upstate of South Carolina. I have three grown children, five grandchildren, and a blue tortoiseshell Burmese cat. Illustrating God's beauty and love through words of poetry is my deepest passion. Although I have always enjoyed writing, it wasn't until 2005 (when God shut one door) that I realized He was opening the door of a tremendous opportunity to see Him use me in a spectacular way. While I do not claim any greatness of ability in any shape or form, I do know that God brought me through many trials and heartaches for such a time as this. I am now able to share this gift of poetry, with which He has blessed me, to magnify Him through blessing others. I Peter 4:10,11 states: "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." Through my writings, my main goal is to edify Christ. If I have touched one person in a positive way through this ministry, I know it will be worth every effort I put into my work. As I have said before, "This is My Labor of Love...but God's Work of Art." My first book, Heart Written - Breaking Free, was published in November of 2012. It is my prayer that it will reach countless souls and bless lives in tremendous ways. In 2014, my second book, Heart Written - Calling Me, was published. My third and fourth books, Heart Written - Cleansing River and Heart Written - Guarded Treasures, are now available. Please visit any online bookstore to purchase my books or contact me for your personally signed copies of my Heart Written series.
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2 Responses to The Bullying Stops Here—Standing Strong

  1. Mizzl Swarts says:

    You are such an inspiration to me…. God bless you & your wonderful soul


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